Public Use of Properties Owned by PLC

The use of Piscataquog Land Conservancy’s preserves is limited to activities that are compatible with our mission and conservation goals.

We ask all visitors to abide by these policies, and if you have questions or concerns please contact our Stewardship Coordinator, Dan Ewald at 603-487-3331 or

  • The public is welcome to engage in foot travel and the enjoyment and study of nature. We ask that you please stay on marked trails.
  • Mountain biking is allowed on most PLC trails unless otherwise posted. During wet seasons, trails may be closed to prevent damage and erosion.
  • Dogs must be on a leash and controlled at all times. Dog waste must be bagged and removed. Dogs can cause alarm to wildlife, so dogs must be kept from chasing or disturbing wildlife and other trail users.
  • Horses are allowed on most PLC trails unless otherwise posted. During wet seasons, trails may be closed to prevent damage and erosion.
  • Cross country skiing on our preserves is ungroomed natural skiing. PLC does not maintain parking or trails in the winter.
  • Geocaching and orienteering activities are generally allowed with advanced permission from PLC.
  • Non-motorized boat use (canoe & kayak) is generally allowed at any preserve containing an accessible and boatable water body.
    • Boats (non-motorized & motorized) are prohibited at the Florence Tarr Wildlife Sanctuary (Goffstown/ Bedford)
  • Snowmobiling is allowed on some PLC preserves on designated, maintained trails established in agreement with local, recognized snowmobile clubs
  • PLC generally allows hunting and fishing on our fee owned properties. Hunters and anglers must comply with all applicable State and Town hunting regulations. Legal temporary, portable tree stands that do not damage trees are permitted. All stands must be clearly labeled with hunter’s name and phone number. Tree stands are only allowed during deer hunting seasons and must be taken down by the close of the season. Any tree stands found outside of deer hunting season, or without labels, will be subject to removal. See Policy on Hunting and Use of Tree Stands on PLC-Owned Properties for more information here
    • Hunting & Fishing is prohibited at the Florence Tarr Wildlife Sanctuary (Goffstown/ Bedford) and the Marston-Dunlap Wildlife Sanctuary (Goffstown/Bedford) 
    • Visitors should exercise caution at all preserves during hunting season, regardless of whether hunting is allowed. Wearing blaze orange is recommended.

Except as specified in the list above, PLC prohibits the following activities at its preserves:

  • Motorized vehicles
  • Removal, destruction, or disturbance of plants, wildlife, minerals, and cultural or historical resources
  • Camping and fires
  • Trapping, baiting, or feeding wildlife
  • Technical climbing
  • War and paintball games
  • Target shooting
  • Metal detecting

All human uses on PLC preserves and landholdings are conducted at the risk of the user, and PLC is not to be held responsible for natural hazards, changing conditions, trail conditions, and interaction with other users.

The policies outlined on this page apply to the PLC properties listed below. If you have a question about land use on a property protected by a PLC conservation easement and not under our ownership, we recommend connecting with the owner of the property when that information is available or contacting PLC Stewardship Coordinator Dan Ewald.

Questions or Concerns: Contact PLC’s Stewardship Coordinator Dan Ewald at 603-487-3331 or 

Bedford & Goffstown

Florence M. Tarr Wildlife Sanctuary

Marston-Dunlap Wildlife Sanctuary


MacDermott Parcel

Middleton Lot


Burke Family Wildlife Sanctuary

Francestown, Greenfield, and Lyndeborough:

Rose Mountain Foothills Preserve


Florence Dow Greenway

Pearle W. and Robert H. Preston Preserve

Blackbriar Woods Preserve

Black Brook Preserve

Ploss Pines Preserve


Alan & Edgar Rice Natural Area

Charles and Calvin Proctor Preserve

Rose Mountain Preserve


Nissitissit River Headwaters Preserve

New Boston:

George Thomas Wildlife Sanctuary

Houghton Family Preserve

Lovell Wright Preserve

Martin & Martha Colburn Meadow Preserve

Bunting Wildlife Sanctuary

Tuthill Woodlands Preserve


Bob French Woodland Preserve

Ferrin Pond Nature Preserve

Roland Barnard Greenway

Wendy Baron Wildlife Sanctuary