Help Protect Hobart-Fessenden Woods in Brookline

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Continuing the partnership that began with 2017’s Nissitissit land conservation project, the Town of Brookline and PLC hope to place a conservation easement on 439 acres of existing town conservation land known as Hobart-Fessenden Woods. An article authorizing the town’s donation of the easement to PLC has been placed on the town’s March warrant with the unanimous support of Brookline’s Board of Selectmen. The land was acquired as conservation land using town funds, but absent a conservation easement held by an outside entity like PLC, the town could potentially sell-off or develop the land in the future. The PLC easement will guarantee its perpetual protection. If you are a Brookline resident, don’t forget to vote!

PLC and the Brookline Conservation Commission are also working together to raise $73,000 to complete the conservation easement, including deed drafting and baseline documentation, survey, environmental assessment, legal review, and funding for perpetual monitoring and stewardship.


To help us reach our goal, please consider a tax-deductible donation.

Thank you!

To donate by check

Mail to:
Piscataquog Land Conservancy
5A Mill Street
New Boston, NH 03070

Make checks payable to:
Piscataquog Land Conservancy

Add to the memo line: Hobart-Fessenden Land Project

To donate on-line using a credit card

Donations can be made securely on-line by clicking the button below.

Donate to the Hobart Fessenden Land Project