A Family’s Conservation Legacy in New Boston

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June 2019 - The Piscataquog Land Conservancy has completed its purchase of a thirty-acre forested property along the Middle Branch of the Piscataquog River in New Boston.  The land abuts PLC’s 55-acre George Thomas Wildlife Sanctuary, and is also close to its Tuthill Woodlands Preserve and forest land owned by the town. The new PLC acquisition protects another seven hundred feet of frontage on the Middle Branch. 

The land’s owners, Larry Houghton and his wife Sandi, first approached PLC in the spring of 2018 as they were preparing to sell their home and land.  Their hope was to divide the western thirty acres from their forested property and convey it to PLC.  PLC paid for a surveyor to create a subdivision plan which was reviewed and approved by the New Boston Planning Board.  Once the plan was approved, PLC could complete the purchase, which closed in late June.  Under PLC’s ownership, the land will remain in a natural state and be open to the public for non-motorized recreation, including hunting and fishing.

The project had a total cost of just under $52,000, including the purchase price of the land, survey, legal and other transaction costs, and a contribution to PLC’s long-term land stewardship fund.  $30,000 came from the New Boston’s Conservation Fund, and PLC contributed $19,000 from the proceeds from a recent timber harvest at its Tuthill Preserve.  About $3,000 in private contributions rounded out the funding.

Laura Bernard, Chairman of the New Boston Conservation Commission says “the New Boston Conservation Commission, along with the Open Space sub-committee led by Ken Lombard, are always looking for ways to help residents protect land in its natural state.  With our limited resources, we don’t always have the ability to identify property owners and/or work with folks to come up with the best plan for their situation.  When the PLC reached out to us and suggested we partner with them on the Houghton acquisition, we were more than happy to provide the funding that ultimately made this project work.”

Larry Houghton says "I am happy that I am fortunate enough to be able to give something back to the community that I grew up in. I truly believe with all of my heart that preserving natural areas is essential. I am glad that the Piscataquog Land Conservancy will be protecting this wonderful natural area.  My family has been part of the New Boston culture for a very, very long time. Many of my relatives have had or do have a deep connection with nature, and it's exciting to share the conservation of this land under the Houghton family name."

Photo by Tom Jones