PLC to Protect Riverfront Land in New Boston

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The Piscataquog Land Conservancy is working to acquire an undeveloped thirty-acre property along the Middle Branch of the Piscataquog River in New Boston. The current owners are preparing to sell their house and land, but they have agreed to first divide the western thirty acres from the forested property and sell it at a discount to PLC. Located off of Middle Branch Road, the land abuts our 55-acre George Thomas Wildlife Sanctuary, and is also close to PLC’s Tuthill Woodlands Preserve and town forest land. The new acquisition would protect another seven hundred feet of frontage on the Middle Branch, which flows along the property’s southern boundary.

PLC needs to raise $52,000 to complete the project, including the land purchase price, due diligence costs like survey and legal work, and funding for perpetual monitoring and stewardship. $30,000 in funding for the purchase has already been committed from New Boston’s conservation fund, and PLC is committing $14,000 from the proceeds from our recent timber harvest at the Tuthill Preserve. We hope the final $8,000 can be raised through private donations.


To help us reach our goal, please consider a tax-deductible donation.

Thank you!

To donate by check

Mail to: 
Piscataquog Land Conservancy
5A Mill Street
New Boston NH  03070

Make checks payable:
Piscataquog Land Conservancy

Add to the memo line: Houghton Land Project

To donate on-line using a credit card

Contributions can also be made securely online by clicking the button below.

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