Conservation Easement Protects New Boston Town Forests

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On April 28th the Piscataquog Land Conservancy (PLC) and the Town of New Boston signed the conservation easement on the town’s five Town Forests, which together total 470 acres.  The idea of placing an easement on the land had been discussed on and off for the better part of two decades, and New Boston voters overwhelmingly approved a warrant article authorizing the easement in March 2020.  The conservation easement held by PLC now ensures the properties are protected in perpetuity. 

Getting the easement from initial concept to completion took more than a year of work by PLC and several town boards to craft the easement language, and complete due diligence that included a survey and comprehensive documentation of the property.

New Boston Conservation Commission chair Laura Bernard says “once town residents confirmed their support for the easement at town meeting, PLC and the Forestry Committee got to work.  Over a year later, we were signing the formal Easement Documents to make our wishes a reality.  I expect that this is but one of many opportunities for New Boston to partner with the PLC to save some of our most special open spaces for generations to come.”

Two of the properties – the Colby & Siemeze Forests -- are located on Middle Branch Road, just across the Piscataquog River from PLC’s Thomas and Houghton sanctuaries. The other three – the Lydia Dodge, Sherburne, & Todd Forests -- are located along Old Coach Road and include the town’s transfer station and ball fields.  About seventeen acres encompassing these areas are excluded from the conservation easement. 

PLC Land Protection Specialist Tom Jones says “the land is important for its beauty, wildlife values, and its well-managed, productive forestland.  This project was also unique because of the dedication and fellowship of people involved:  the New Boston Forestry Committee, which initiated the project, the Conservation Commission, the Board Selectmen, and the citizens who passed the Warrant Article. This project truly stands as a model for other Towns in New Hampshire.”

Middle Branch, Siemeze Town Forest - New Boston