Proctor Project Complete!

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Capping a year-long effort, on June 29th PLC completed our acquisition of the second of two properties from the Proctor family in Lyndeborough. Totaling 112 acres, the two parcels connect over 1,500 acres of existing conservation property, and protect nearly 5,000 feet of frontage on Cold and Scataquog brooks, which feed into the South Branch of the Piscataquog River. The 71-acre property purchased in June includes a key stretch of Cold Brook that will be the focus of stream restoration work now that we own the land.

PLC completed our purchase of the other 41-acre property from the Proctors in December 2017. That land is located next to PLC’s Rice Preserve, and features dramatic glacial eskers and a stretch of brook that supports an exemplary native trout population.

Many funders came together to make the Proctor project happen, including the Land and Community Heritage Investment Program (LCHIP), which provided half of all funding for the project, the Town of Lyndeborough, the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, the State Conservation Committee’s Conservation (“Mooseplate”) Grants Program, the Merrimack Conservation Partnership, the Davis Conservation Foundation, and the Preston Family Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation. A portion of the proceeds from the 2017 Rose Mountain Rumble bike benefit also went towards the Proctor project. Several generous private individuals came forward in the final weeks of the fundraising campaign to put us across the finish line. To everyone who answered the call, THANK YOU! Big thanks also to the Proctor family for giving us the time we needed to raise the funds for this key land purchase.