Five Ways to Support PLC During NH Gives

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NH Gives is a 24-hour online fundraising blitz hosted by the NH Center for Nonprofits. Hundreds of organizations and thousands of donors will work together to raise funds and awareness for New Hampshire’s nonprofit sector.  From 5 PM on June 7th through 5 PM on June 8th the New Hampshire Gives platform will be live and accepting online donations for your favorite New Hampshire nonprofits…including PLC!

The idea is that giving is contagious, and NH Gives inspires our communities to support the causes we care about in a fun (and slightly competitive) environment!  PLC will be eligible for matching fund challenges, bonus pool funds that increase with each unique donation we receive.

As it is with all that we accomplish here at PLC, we can’t do it without YOUR help. There are many ways you can assist our efforts and help us reach our NH Gives goals!

Here are five ways you can help:

Help us spread the word:

Keep an eye out for our Facebook and Instagram posts leading up to and during NH Gives. Liking our content and sharing to other groups is a wonderful way to help us raise awareness of our participation.

Set up a Fundraising Page:

Did you know that you can set up your own landing page to fundraise for PLC? Simply go to our main NH Gives page and click the “Fundraise” button. This will prompt you to customize your own page with photos and stories Every dollar raised by PLC fundraisers will count towards the bonus pools and challenges! You can see examples of other fundraiser pages here: If you have any questions or would like some help setting up your page, Jill Ketchen is available to assist you!

Target one of the challenges:

Are you an early bird? If you donate at 6:03 AM on June 8th PLC has a chance at an extra $250.00! Do you tend to wait until the last minute? There’s a challenge reward for the last donation of NH Gives, too! Check out the different challenges available, and see where you may be able to help us get in on the extra cash:

Tell your PLC story:

Is there a property that has special significance to you? Has a volunteer experience impacted your life in a positive way? Did a PLC outing change the way you think about land conservation? If you have a moment to share why PLC means so much to you, we can use your quotes in our promotional pieces!

Share your story.

Inspire others to give with a Match or Challenge:

You can make an enormous impact with a matching contribution. Organizations with matching funds raise on average 4.5 times more than organizations without a match or challenge! You can see how different NH Gives matches and challenges are structured here: Some matches are dollar for dollar, some are unlocked after a certain number of donations, and some are time sensitive. We can work together to structure a match that meets your objectives. If you’re interested in participating with a matching grant, please contact Jill Ketchen.